Information string flowcharts by Herb Zinser reviews LANGUAGE word clues about subset math and science word clues in books, newspapers, magazines, etc.
List of pages and topics ... covered later with the numbered, handwritten pages
1 Route 29 murders .... copper atomic number 29 message
2 Ross Truett Ashley copper codes
3 Oscilloscope of Wisconsin and Europe
4 Aurora .... red-wig color shooting at Century 16 theater
5 copper metal reddish-orange
6 Judge Maxwell Wiley and Wojciech Braszczok motorcycles
7 Waco Texas cosine waves and motorcycles
8 Twin Peaks code
9 Sikh Temple shooting and Cudahy, Wisconsin
10 acres of farm land code
11 Central African Republic frees 163 children
12 Carmen Electra and the Boston Marathon TRIAL
13 s,p orbits and Sp --> spanish atomic code violations
14 Cole Hall shooting
15 Lumber Logical Units
15 extra pages ...
Germanwings co-pilot codes and the Pittsburg Richard Poplawski DEATH SENTENCE kills 150 people
Haroon Khan murder on 20 acres + his b100d number 100 --> 120 pulse / alternating cycle codes
16 the 1992 riots in Los Angles , Henry Watson and Reginald Denny
17 truck driver
18 hydroelectric watts
19 Joe Stack in the Austin electric motor wars
20 Ambler Hall shooting at Virginia TECH ...differential amplifier
21 Radford, Virginia messenger
23 Hungary 1956 code ...... Radio-Free Europe ..... Radio-Frequency WARS
24 Emily Post
25 Emancipation Proclamation
26 post-modern
27 Amish School shooting
28 ctyosine battles
29 incandescent light bulb war
30 Helix light bulb attack on DNA helix
31 Paige Raque at Penn State
32 Richard Poplawski, copper electricity and Piitsburg
33 Paige RA --> Recursive Arithmetic and feedback message systems to Joel Robbins
34 Solar Pons detective stories and photon mapping messages
35 WGN radio 720 Chicago
36 Kent State shooting
38 Chuck Norris .....Texas Ranger .... at Norris Hall shooting
39 Patrick Cudahy Fire in year 2009 and Wade Michael Page of Cudahy
40 Cudahy meat plant and IBM Systems Network Architechure
41 LaPlace transform
42 LAX airport shooting of Hernadez and his entire math functions
43 Sandy Hook shooting
44 Wojciech Braszczok, Maxwell Demons, and Alex Lien with Bose-Einstein Condensate
45 Echo signature with Nikola Tesla
46 math mapping RANGE
47 TriBECa and BEC and University of Wisconsin
48 ferrous oxide IRON atom alphabet of 26 letters
49 Charlie Shortino weather
50 ionoshpere layers
51 shortino short wave radio
52 MOS configuration of atMOSsphere
The evolution of the living language with math and physics equations, computer science flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams. etc has resulted in a new version of LANGUAGE ...... known by various terms as
the Universal Mind Language,
Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE language,
Carl Jung collective unconsciousness GROUP MIND expression systems of behavior and feeling that sometimes rises up to a surface level of information display ( crimes, protests, demonstrations, etc) and other language / behavior mechanics.
Books and printed news articles may contain subset messages that are embedded within the larger context of the written text.
read between the lines - Collins Dictionaries › English Dictionary
Example Sentences Including 'read between the lines'.
Nothing was spelled out, yet everything was there for those who could read between the lines. Ashford ...
In this blog post ...... we shall provide information strings using WORDS and subset WORDS and see their relationship to REALITY events.
Nature's SYMBOL MACHINE is comprised of nouns, verbs, concepts, math equations, flowcharts, etc. The ideas found in BASIC math and science college textbooks are part of the SYMBOL MACHINE.
Using Galileo's suggestions of " 2 CHIEF WORLD SYSTEMS" we now perceive Sartre existentialism as partitioned into 2 or more data spaces....... the 2 CHIEF existential entities
1) physical reality of objects: concrete highways, iron automobiles, cellulose trees, humanoids, atoms, molecules, gravity fields, EARTH iron core, etc.
2) The world of symbols, concepts, process control system flowcharts, biochemistry diagrams, math and physics equations, etc.
Maps and Territories - Rijnlandmodel
Language in Thought and Action, S.I. Hayakawa.
Chapter 2 Symbols Maps and Territories
There is a sense in which we all live in two worlds.
For example ............ Charles Dickens " TALE of 2 Cities" ..... about two worlds on the EARTH surface.
What is the 2nd world?
Thus we have the source domain of SYMBOL LIFE and THOUGHT that may get a
mathematical-physics mapping to the destination range of physical biology with human proper nouns, human activities, etc on the geography surface of EARTH .......
that is...... the EARTH surface as an information display surface using 3-dimensional vertical humans and their behavior and daily activities.
Given the background concepts ...... let's look at some math and science information strings ... very useful empirical data about the structure of REALITY and its descriptive words ......
data for those in science.
Thus ... in this blog post you have some information strings ..... the language fabric and its LINKS to physical reality and events.
Black Holes & Time Warps | W. W. Norton & Company › Science › Astronomy
W. W. Norton & Company
Black holes, down which anything can fall but from which nothing can return; ... Kip Thorne, along with fellow theorists Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose, ... tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
W. W. Norton & Company
Black holes, down which anything can fall but from which nothing can return; ... Kip Thorne, along with fellow theorists Stephen Hawking and Roger Penrose, ... tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
tapestry of interlocking themes, coming finally to a uniquely informed answer to the ...
Information string ....... BLOG POST
Missing persons cases along U.S. Route 29 in Virginia - Wikipedia, the ...
Route 29 Stalker - Unsolved Mysteries Wiki - Wikia
A composite of the Route 29 Stalker. Real Name: Unrevealed Aliases: Larry Breeden Wanted For: Murder, Attempted Murder, Kidnapping Missing Since: March ...
Alicia Reynolds: Route 29 murder case still unsolved | WJLA‑TV
May 12, 2014 - (WJLA) - Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia, lies a wooden cross weathered by time, and some artificial flowers. “All we can do is pray for her ...
Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia,
Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia,
A long Route 29 in Cu Vir
A long wire Route 29 in Cu = Copper in Culpeper..... VIR = Ohm's Law
Massacre at Virginia Tech leaves 32 dead - Apr 16, 2007 -
West Ambler Johnston shootings
Cho shot his first victims in West Ambler Johnston Hall. At around 7:15 a.m., Cho entered the room which freshman Emily J. Hilscher shared with another student. Hilscher, a 19-year-old from Woodville, Virginia, was fatally wounded.
Norris Hall shootings
About two hours after the initial shootings, Cho entered Norris Hall, which housed the Engineering Science and Mechanics program among others, and chained the three main entrance doors shut.
Ross Truett Ashley: Mystery over what made Virginia Tech gunman ...
Daily Mail
Virginia Tech shooting: Who was gunman Ross Truett Ashley ...
The Christian Science Monitor
Ross Truett Ashley, Virginia Tech Shooter, Was 22-Year-Old Radford ...
The Huffington Post
Dec 9, 2011 - Police said Friday that Ross Truett Ashley, of Radford, was responsible for killing a Virginia Tech police officer Thursday, triggering a ...
Was 22-Year-Old Radford
Was 22,,,,,,,,,, 0 --> 220 --> 220 to 240 volt range
Dec 9, 2011 - Police said Friday
Dec 9, 2011 - Police said Friday
December (12th month) --> implies 120 volts ...thus the 2 messages about
Ross Truett Ashley: Mystery over what made Virginia Tech gunman ... Mail
Dec 10, 2011 - Crazed: Police have identified Ross Truett Ashley as the gunman who ... The man who authorities say killed a Virginia Tech police officer was ...
a Virginia Tech police officer
a Virginia Tech police officer ..words -->
a Virginia Tech cop / detective/ cops/ police officer /policeman ....
a Virginia Tech cop --> copper represented officer
a Virginia Tech cop --> copper represented officer
a Vir (Ohm's law) copper ...... message of Nature's systems and its creation of the data generating ... signaling event
2012 Aurora shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On July 20, 2012, a mass shooting occurred inside a Century 16 movie theater in Aurora, Colorado, during a midnight screening of the film The Dark Knight ...
Massacre at Virginia Tech leaves 32 dead - Apr 16 .......... and the Century 16 theater EVENT feedback signal code 16
2012 Aurora, Colorado shooting ...message
.......................Color .............
exposed surface of pure copper has a reddish-orange color.
exposed surface of pure copper has a reddish-orange color.
exposed surface of pure copper has a reddish-orange color. ..
Copper - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
James Holmes (mass murderer) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
James Holmes
Federal Communications Commission ........ EM attack vectors
.... that attack the bio-electron brain st.EM
| The United ates of America Communications Commission
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite ..... ... cable and communicable disease.
James Clerk Maxwell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
James Clerk Maxwell FRS FRSE was a Scottish scientist in the field of mathematical physics. His most notable achievement was to formulate the classical theory of electromagnetic radiation, bringing .
List of cycles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- 4.1 Mathematics of waves and cycles
- 4.2 Electromagnetic spectrum of EM wave cycles
- 4.3 Sound waves
Anatomy of an Electromagnetic Wave - Mission:Science
Mechanical waves and electromagnetic waves are two important ways that ... The unit of frequency of a radio wave -- one cycle per second -- is named the hertz, ..
- one cycle per second -- is named the hertz,
- one cycle per second -- is named the hertz,
- one cycle per second -- is named the hertz,.
- one motorcycle per Wojciech Braszczok with Judge Maxwell Wiley
2 Defendants in Manhattan Biker Assault Await Verdict From Judge ... New York TimesJun 5, 2015 - The defendants, Detective Wojciech Braszczok, 34, and Robert ... and Justice Maxwell Wiley of State Supreme Court in Manhattan is deciding the case. ... the passenger side twice before getting on his motorcycle and fleeing.
Ex-Detective Going to Jail for Role in Manhattan Biker Assault - The ... New York TimesAug 5, 2015 - A judge said that even though Wojciech Braszczok did not touch the driver ... showed little emotion when Justice Maxwell Wiley of State Supreme Court ... 29, 2013, on 178th Street near Wadsworth Avenue during a motorcycle ...
Ex-cop Wojciech Braszczok gets 2 years for biker gang attack - NY ... York Daily NewsAug 5, 2015 - Ex-NYPD cop Wojciech Braszczok sentenced to 2 years for 2013 biker gang attack ... had urged Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Maxwell Wiley to sentence ... man behind as he tried to flee the pack of motorcycle maniacs.
Justice Maxwell Wiley of State Supreme Court in Manhattan is deciding the case.
Justice Maxwell ............. Supreme Court
Maxwell's demon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia's_demonWikipedia
In the philosophy of thermal and statistical physics, Maxwell's demon is a thought experiment created by the physicist James Clerk Maxwell in which he suggested how the Second Law of Thermodynamics might hypothetically be violated.
Justice Wiley .................. Supreme Court
Wiley: Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics
John Wiley & Sons
Justice Maxwell Wiley of States of MIND ......
existential physics and Nature's systems ...... Supreme Court
Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine - The Excluded Middle the last years of the 19th century, technological alchemist Nikola Tesla may ... A vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" using the same identifiers
earth returns an "echo signature" using the same identifiers
the defendants,
Nikola Tesla and Detective Wojciech Braszczok .... Pole heritage LINKS
............................................... wo.....ech
...............................................two ....echo
Czechoslovakia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Czechoslovakia and Nature's human telephone Pole of Poland
....echo ................
Lech Walesa | president of Poland |
Encyclopædia Britannica
Lech Walesa
Linguistics / Language echo --> Lech Walesa
---> pointer to Polish-America
----> Wojciech Braszczok (Czech echo ... Nature's system return codes)
Nikola Tesla's Earthquake ...with the Motorcycle Machine - The Excluded Middle
Wife of Tribeca banker beaten by bikers, new video details attack - NY Daily ...
New York Daily News
2 Motorcyclists Found Guilty in 2013 Attack on Driver but Acquitted of ...
The New York Times
Wife of Tribeca banker beaten
NOVA - Official Website | The Fabric of the Cosmos - PBS
The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality ..., Inc.
The Fabric of the Cosmos - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality (2004) is the second book on theoretical physics, cosmology, and string theory written by ...
The Fabric of the Cosmos
The Fabric of the Cos waves and cosine functions in Waco, Texas
2015 Waco shootout - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On May 17, 2015, in Waco, Texas, a shootout erupted at a Twin Peaks restaurant where ... Nine bikers were killed, seven of them members of the Cossacks motorcycle club, while eighteen others were injured. ..... Police officers reported receiving several threats after the shooting, which they are investigating. A former ..
The Road To Waco: A Deadly Biker Shooting Years In The Making : NPR 7, 2016 - The deadly shootout between the Bandidos Motorcycle Club and the Cossacks Motorcycle Club in Waco, Texas, in May 2015 raised questions ...
members of the Cossacks motorcycle club,members of the Cossacks motorcycle club,
members of the Cos ...................cycle lu
members of the Cosine ...............cycle lu = logical unit ... bio-math humans
2015 Waco shootout - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On May 17, 2015, in Waco, Texas, a shootout erupted at a Twin Peaks restaurant where ... Nine bikers were killed, seven of them members of the Cossacks motorcycle club, while eighteen others were injured. ..... Police officers reported receiving several threats after the shooting, which they are investigating. A former ...
Number 29 --> Twin Peaks (2) and Nine (9) dead --> suggests 29 code and
electric motor and the electric motor cycles of rotation
electric motor and the electric motor cycles of rotation
Tesla's AC Induction Motor is one of the 10 greatest discoveries of all ... 1892, Tesla delivered his famous lecture before the Institution of Electrical ... Nikola Tesla invented the induction motor with rotating magnetic field that made ...
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On August 5, 2012, a massacre took place at the gurdwara (Sikh temple) in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, where 40-year-old Wade Michael Page fatally shot six people ...
Sikh temple
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Page was an American white supremacist and Army veteran from Cudahy, Wisconsin.
Page Army Cudahy, Wisconsin.
Page Army Cudahy, Wisconsin.
Page Arm Cu .....................sin.
Page Arm Cu= copper .... sin waves / alternating cycles of electricity
Page ... textbook page on electronics and electricity
Armature of electric motor
120 Acre Farm for Sale by in Columbia County, Wisconsin ...
120 Acre 2 Bd 2 Ba Farm in Columbia County, Wisconsin is a 120 acre farm for sale located at N5406 Langdon Rd in Pardeeville, Wisconsin, 53954.EARTH iron core and the EARTH geography surface ... has copper mines ..that rotate very 24 hours relative to the more FIXED frame of reference ... the iron core of the center of EARTH
Morenci Copper Mine, Arizona rotates thousands of miles very day - Mining Technology
Copper Queen Consolidated Mining bought the property in 1885, with the company name changed to Phelps Dodge in 1917. Ninety years later in March 2007, ...
How Many Miles Around the Earth at the equator ... 24,000 miles? - Universe Today
Universe Today
A Copper Mine at the equator would rotate 24,000 miles every day ......
of the EARTH electric motor ......
and the distance betwen the EARTH iron core center and the EARTH surface copper metal mine ..... gives leverage / torque / force
Base 16 hexadecimal Militia releases 163 child soldiers from ranks in CAR - Al Jazeera ...
Al Jazeera
Aug 29, 2015 - 163 children released from armed groups in Batangafo #CARcrisis ... and use of children by armed groups in the Central African Republic and ...
Al Jazeera
Aug 29, 2015 - 163 children released from armed groups in Batangafo #CARcrisis ... and use of children by armed groups in the Central African Republic and ...
Armed group frees 163 children in Central African Republic | End Time ...
Armed group frees 163 children in Central African Republic
Armed group frees 163 children in
Central Af _->
Central Processing Unit of Computer Earth
Base 16 af number range ..... Hex'A' = 10 to Hex'F' 15
IBM Archives: System/370 Model 145
IBM Archives: Exhibits: IBM Mainframes: System/370 Model 135. ... Main memory capacity of up to 240,000 bytes, nearly four times that of System/360 ... The ICA, a combination of microcode and circuitry in the central processor, eliminates the ...
IBM Archives: Exhibits: IBM Mainframes: System/370 Model 135. ... Main memory capacity of up to 240,000 bytes, nearly four times that of System/360 ... The ICA, a combination of microcode and circuitry in the central processor, eliminates the ...
Systems IBM System/370 System Summary - Bitsavers
about IBM System/370, the data processing system based on IBM System/360 ..... includes main storage, a central processing unit (CPU), one or more channels ...
a central processing unit (CPU), one or more channels ...
a central processing unit (CPU), one or more channels ...
a central processing unit (CPU), one or more channels ...
Militia releases 163 child soldiers from ranks in CAR - Al Jazeera ... JazeeraAug 29, 2015 - 163 children released from armed groups in Batangafo #CAR
163 children released from armed groups in Batangafo #CAR
163 children released from armed groups in Batangafo #CAR
163 children released from armed groups in Bata ....... #CAR
163 IMS bio-database children records ...... released from
arm/elbow BULL-STORY writing groups in Batavia with CARmen Ortiz in Boston
Fermilab | About Fermilab and the CHI ...CHILD brain instruction
Fermilab | About Fermilab and brain SYMBOL PROCESSOR equations
Fermilab | About Fermilab and University of Chicago
Fermilab | About Fermilab and University of Chicago ... 1/2 brain policy
Fermilab | About ......mi ....and University of Chi ...half-word instruction
Fermilab | About .....mind LAB and humans with compare half-word
Fermilab | About fer + mi (1/2 mind) and University of Compare half brains or children brains inside social science, humanities, arts, music. theology and law school professors
Militia releases 163 child soldiers from ranks in CAR - Al Jazeera ...
Al Jazeera
The anti-Balaka militia The anti-Balaka militia The anti-Bal --> Basic Assembler Langauge militia ..SYMBOL MACHINE war zones
Central African Republic, a country where as many as 10,000 youth have
Central African Republic, a country where as many as 10,000 youth have .
Central African Republic, a country where as many as 10,000 youth have .
Central African Republic, a country where as many as 10,000 youth have .
Central African Republic, a country where as many as 10,000 youth have .
10,000 youth have .
10,000 youth have .
10,000 you / your binary code for biology / brain molecule data processing
Central African Republic, a country where as many as 10,000 youth have
Central African Republic, a country where as many as 10,000 youth have ....
Central African Republic, a country where as many as 10,000 youth have ....
Central African Republic --> Central Nervous System of Base 16 hexadecimal computer programmers and system engineers ...hardware and software
If the human body temperature is 37.0 degree celsius with a
bio-computer system 370 , why don't ...
Would try to keep it simple(I am no expert as well) 1. The human body needs to disperse heat to ... The rate of dispersion depends on the temperature gradient.

Two children were beheaded with a total of 16 children killed in Bangui ..... Amnesty International blamed the anti-balaka militia of causing a "Muslim .
base 2 binary (Beheaded) and Base 16 hexadecimal
Carmen Electra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tara Leigh Patrick (born April 20, 1972), better known by her stage name Carmen Electra, is an American glamour model, actress, television personality, singer, ...
Buick Electra ...a motor vehicle car .... with agent ... Carmen Electra
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Also called: Buick Electra 225
Manufacturer: Buick (General Motors)
Production: 1959–1990
Class: Full-size luxury car
Buick Electra 225 coupeBuick Electra 225 coup electrons and e=2.718 and vowel e
Coup d'état by Nature's systems and numbers and vowels -
Carmen Ortiz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Meet the U.S. Attorney | USAO-MA | Department of Justice
United States Department of Justice
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dzhokhar Anzorovich "Jahar" Tsarnaev is a Kyrgyzstani-American citizen who was convicted of planting bombs at the Boston Marathon on April 15, 2013, ...
Dzhokhar Tsarnaev
Electronvolt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Energies in electron volts - HyperPhysics
Georgia State University
Department of Energy
Department of Energy 
Department of Energy 
Department of Ener gy --> Enter gy --> Enter the pussy gynecology division of advanced male INTELLECTUAL perceptions and thoughts
No-hair theorem - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Energy Department penis HEADS ....Seeking proof for the no-hair theorem - › Astronomy & Space › Astronomy
Sep 9, 2014 - In general relativity this is known as the no-hair theorem. The basic idea of the no -hair theorem is that the material properties of any object ...
Department of Energy supplied the bomb energy in Boston
| USAGov
Sport and atomic codes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sport (UK) or sports (US) are all forms of usually competitive physical activity or games which, through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or ...
Sport --> S port --> Spanish (geography and Language) port ......
I/ O port with law school ....
the Bar association of Barcelona, PAIN of sPAIN
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Alps plane crash: What happened to the alphabet / brain language?
- BBC News
Carmen Ortiz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Puerto Rican parents
Puerto Rico --> transalted to English
--> Rich Port --> translated to organic chemisty word
--> Rich --> RCH equation and the molecular computer I/O PORT ...
of the hydrocarbon molecule continuum of Sartre existential expressions
2015 Philadelphia train derailment and the arrogant Justice Department death sentence ERRORS
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
the Northeast Corridor in the Port Richmond neighborhood
the Northeast Corridor in the Port Richmond neighborhood
the Northeast Corridor in the Port Richmond neighborhood
the Northeast Corridor --> pointer to Boston
Port Richmond --> Port Rich law school problems in Boston molecule region
Northern Illinois University shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on Valentine's Day ... February 14, 2008, at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois. Steven Kazmierczak opened fire with a shotgun and three pistols in a crowd of students on campus, killing five students and injuring an additional 17 people, before fatally shooting himself.
The incident happened at the campus's Cole Hall at approximately 3:05 p.m. Central Standard Time.[3]
At approximately 3:05 p.m. CST, Steven Kazmierczak entered a large auditorium-style lecture hall in Cole Hall (Auditorium 101) with approximately 120 students, where an oceanography class was in session.[7]
that took place on St.Valentine's Day ... February 14, 2008,
that took place on St.Valen......... Da ... February 14, 2008,
that took place on St.Valence Data .....
Evans Field House - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Coordinates: 41°56′08″N 88°46′20″W / 41.935539°N 88.77231°W / 41.935539; -88.77231. The Chick Evans Field House is a 6,000-seat multi-purpose arena in DeKalb, Illinois, USA. The arena opened in 1956 and was home to the Northern Illinois University
What is logical unit (LU)? - Definition from › Topics › Networking › Network software
In IBMs Systems Network Architecture SNA a logical unit LU identifies an end user in an SNA network By end user IBM means either a human being that i...
Defining the Logical Unit (LU) Name - IBM
Logical units - IBM
Summary of logical unit (LU) types ... LU = Lumber - IBM
This chapter describes the logical unit (LU) types that WSim currently supports. It also gives an example of the hardware or software products that typically use ...
IBM LU6.2 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Logical Unit 6.2 is an IBM-originated communications protocol specification dating from 1974, and is part of IBM's Systems Network Architecture.
2x4 - Framing Lumber & Studs - The Home Depot › ... › Framing Lumber & Studs
The Home Depot
2x4 - Framing Lumber & Studs -
2x4 - Framing Lumber & Studs -
2 exponent 4 = Base 16 ....... Main Framing Lu = Logical Unit .....
member of a PDS (Partitioned data Set) links to Mr. Penis Stud system -
member of a PDS (Partitioned data Set)
member of a PDS (Par tit data Set) ......
bio-computer partition of tits with expression agent Dolly Parton
Data set (IBM mainframe) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Partitioned data sets - A partitioned data set (PDS) is a data set containing multiple members, each of which holds a separate sub-data set, similar ...
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lumber is wood that has been processed into beams and planks, a stage in the process of .... Common sizes include 2×4 (pictured) (also two-by-four and other variants, such as four-by-two in the Australia, New Zealand, and the UK), 2×6, and ...
2x4 - Dimensional Lumber - Framing Lumber & Studs - The Home Depot › ... › Dimensional Lumber
The Home Depot
The Lu --> Logical Unit --> Lungs (Hum of Human Anatomy):
Picture, Function, Definition, Conditions
Electricity - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Electricity - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Simple English Wikipedia
Germanwings Flight 9525 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Germanwings Co-Pilot Lubitz Rehearsed Crash on Previous Flight ...
Germanwings crash: Co-pilot Lubitz 'practised rapid descent' - BBC ...
Co-pilot Lubitz
Co-pilot Lubitz
Electricity -
Elect officials in Pittsburg and the year 2009 copper problems
2009 shooting of Pittsburgh police officers - Wikipedia, the free ...
Death penalty upheld for Richard Poplawski in killing of Pittsburgh ...
Gunman Kills 3 Police Officers in Pittsburgh - The New York Times
The New York Times
2009 shooting of Pittsburgh police officers - Wikipedia, the free ...
Death penalty upheld for Richard Poplawski in killing of Pittsburgh ...
Gunman Kills 3 cops / Police Officers in Pittsburgh - The New York Times
The New York Times
Apr 4, 2009 - LIZ ROBBINS and SEAN D. HAMILL APRIL 4, 2009 ... Chief Nathan Harper of the Pittsburgh police said the gunman, Richard Poplawski, 22,
Gunman Kills 3 cops / Police Officers in Pittsburgh
Virginia Mother and Daughter Among Crashed Germanwings Flight ...
Mar 25, 2015 - The two American victims are from Virginia, according to family members.
Virginia Mother and Daughter
16 high-school students and 2 teachers were on Germanwings flight .....
crash French Alps
Germanwings year 2015 database keyword / concept FEEDBACK about the year 2007 Virginia TECH signaling EVENT
16 high-school students --> April 16, 2007 ...base 16 hexadecimal codes
and 2 teachers were on Germanwings --> number 2 (two) --> in two separate attacks approximately two hours apart,
French Alps mountains crash --> French langauge class at Norris Hall
UPDATE: Student Murdered -
Missing UW-Milwaukee student may have been killed | News ...
Oct 4, 2008 - Khan was reported missing in Milwaukee on Wednesday. ... and the Town of Emmett just north of Watertown, identifying three suspects. ... “The family and friends of Haroon Khan mourn his very tragic death,'' it said. “Haroon ...
UWM student was kidnapped, killed over car, authorities say
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Oct 7, 2008 - Haroon Khan drove a silver 2006 Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution, and Travis ... where he was stabbed repeatedly and buried on a 20-acre parcel ...
A tale of homicide, suicide | Local |
Oct 5, 2008 - The 20-year-old Watertown man shot and killed himself late Friday as ... and in the Dodge County town of Emmet, where the buried body was found, Nehls said. ... of the couple who own the 20 acres, the storage unit, the skid-loader ... Khan's brother-in-law Syed Zaidi of Mequon said Khan was one of the ...
La Crosse Tribune
buried on a 20-acre parcel .
buried on a 20-acre parcel .
buried on a 20-ac (alternating cycles) + B100D number 100 --> 120 alternating with the blood pulse of Haroon Khan
Emmet township --> EM + met --> Eleccro-magnetic interface with hum,an METabolism ...known as the Feynman electro-magentic coupling constant 137 with 37 degrees Celsius human body temperature.
Blood Pressure vs. Heart Rate - American Heart Association
American Heart Association
Blood Pressure 120 with Voltaire philosophy and pulses 60 per minute
---> frame of reference codes for human
AC Waveforms copper /EM fields .... 120 pressure volts and 60 cycles : Basic AC Theory - Electronics Textbook › ... › Basic AC Theory
120 Acre Farm for Sale by Pardeeville in Columbia County, Wisconsin ...
120 Acre 2 Bd 2 Ba Farm in Columbia County, Wisconsin is a 120 acre farm for sale located at N5406 Langdon Rd in Pardeeville, Wisconsin, 53954.
Other blood PULSE wars ... Orlando on Orange Street.
Database of EVENT in Emmet/ Watertown and Water100 Wisconsin .
Though Sheriff Todd Nehls said the body found at 2 p.m. Saturday in a brushy area on a 20-acre parcel north of Watertown has not yet been identified, the family of Haroon Khan issued a statement Saturday night saying he had been killed.
Authorities also recovered a silver vehicle believed to belong to Khan in a storage unit near the grave after a tip Friday. Authorities also drained two ponds on the rural property Saturday, looking for evidence in the slaying, and impounded a skid-loader believed to have been used to bury the victim.
Authorities also recovered a silver vehicle believed to belong to Khan in a storage unit
Authorities also recovered a silver vehicle believed to belong to Khan in a storage unit
Author .....silver (communications vehicle) .... ink ..... college textbook storage unit
Genetics: From Genes to Genomes (Silver, Hartwell, Genetics): Leland ...
Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Dr. Silver is a Professor at Princeton University in the .... This is a good book if you already have a foundation in genetics.
Authorities also recovered a silver vehicle believed to belong to Khan in a storage unit
Authorities also recovered a silver vehicle believed to belong to Khan in a storage unit
Author .....silver (communications vehicle) .... ink ..... college textbook storage unit
Genetics: From Genes to Genomes (Silver, Hartwell, Genetics): Leland ..., Inc.
The 20-year-old Watertown man shot and killed himself late Friday as authorities approached his home after executing a series of search warrants in Watertown and in the Dodge County town of Emmet, where the buried body was found, Nehls said.
The 20-year-old Watertown man
The 20-year-old Watertown man
The 20-year-old Watertown manuscript of 20 standard amino acids in a water molecule container
The B.F.Skin Skinner box (rectangle box) water molecule package.
The 20-year-old Watertown man
The 20-year-old Watertown man
The 20-year-old Watertown manuscript of 20 standard amino acids in a water molecule container
The B.F.Skin Skinner box (rectangle box) water molecule package.
Two other suspects, a 20-year-old woman from Delafield, and a 20-year-old man from Watertown, were in custody and cooperating, Nehls said. The man who shot himself was the son of the couple who own the 20 acres, the storage unit, the skid-loader and other buildings on the property, which is on Highway M and Boulder Road, authorities said.
on Highway M and Boulder Road,
on Highway M and Boulder Road,
on Highway M ... M-theory ..information highway war zone
M-theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
M-theory is a theory in physics that unifies all consistent versions of superstring theory. The existence of such a theory was first conjectured by Edward Witten at a string theory conference at the University of Southern California in the spring of 1995.
Introduction to M-theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The words "matrix", "master", "mother", "monster", "mystery" and "magic" have also been claimed. M-theory brought all of the string theories together. It did this by asserting that strings are really one-dimensional slices of a two-dimensional membrane vibrating in 11-dimensional spacetime.
on Highway M and Boulder Road,
on Highway M and Boulder Road,
on Highway M ... M-theory ..information highway war zone
M-theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Introduction to M-theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Police did not release his name, but the property is registered to Todd and Tammy Zoellick of Watertown, who have a son Travis. Neighbors who did not wish to be identified said the family, who live in Watertown, were building a duplex on another corner of the property for themselves.
The skid-loader was impounded from that construction site.
The skid-loader was impounded from that construction site.
The skid-loader was impounded from that construction site.
The skid-loader was impounded from that construction site.
Khan's brother-in-law Syed Zaidi of Mequon said Khan was one of the "nicest and loveliest persons you can think of." Khan was born and raised in Milwaukee; his parents are from Pakistan. The 31-year-old was attending school full time at UW-Milwaukee but owned a gas station in Wauwatosa, Zaidi said. He would have turned 32 on Oct. 13.
brother-in-law Syed Zaidi of Mequon
brother-in-law Syed Zaidi of Mequon
brother-in-law Syed Zaidi of Mequon and St.Bernard's Church of Watertown ..
LINK codes --> Syed and Berna -->
2015 San Bernardino attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Raheel Farook, Tatiana Farook, and Mariya Chernynk - Syed Raheel Farook, the brother of gunman Rizwan Farook, 31; his wife Tatiana ...
Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Syed Rizwan Farook (June 14, 1987 – December 2, 2015) and Tashfeen Malik ( July 13, 1986 ... Farook worked as a food inspector for the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health for five years before the shooting. From July to ...
brother-in-law Syed Zaidi of Mequon
brother-in-law Syed Zaidi of Mequon
brother-in-law Syed Zaidi of Mequon and St.Bernard's Church of Watertown ..
LINK codes --> Syed and Berna -->
2015 San Bernardino attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He said that on the day Khan disappeared, his parents were celebrating the end of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan at their Mequon home when Khan told family members around 6 p.m. that he had to return to his apartment on Oakland Avenue in Milwaukee to meet someone who wanted to buy his car, a 2006 Mitsubishi.
told family members around 6 p.m
told family members around 6 p.m
told family members around 6 proton mass of carbon atom LINKED to the math logic prose of Principia Mathematica (PM)
Principia Mathematica (PM) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I can remember Bertrand Russell telling me of a horrible dream. He was in the top floor of the ... The Principia Mathematica (often abbreviated PM) is a three- volume work on the ..... Russell and Whitehead's notation for building up types from other types is rather cumbersome, and the notation here is due to Church.
Principia Mathematica (PM)
May 21, 1996 - Principia Mathematica, the landmark work in formal logic written by Alfred North Whitehead and Bertrand Russell, was first published in three ...
told family members around 6 p.m
told family members around 6 p.m
told family members around 6 proton mass of carbon atom LINKED to the math logic prose of Principia Mathematica (PM)
Principia Mathematica (PM) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Principia Mathematica (PM)
(Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Electron orbital - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Atomic orbital - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Northern Illinois University shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Northern Illinois University shooting was a school shooting that took place on February 14, 2008, at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois. Steven Kazmierczak opened fire with a shotgun and three pistols in a crowd of students on campus, killing five students and injuring an additional 17 people, before fatally shooting himself.
Steven Kazmierczak
Steven Kazmierczak
Steven Kazmierczak
...even K................K --> why even integers and his name with 2 K symbols
1992 Los Angeles riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The '92 riot: Revisiting a dark day in L.A. history - Mercury News
San Jose Mercury News
Apr 28, 2012 - LOS ANGELES - Henry Keith Watson remembers April 29, 1992, as if ... 20 years after a riot that would leave 55 people dead, more than 2,300 ...
The '92 riot: Revisiting a dark day
The '92 riot: Revisiting a dark day and Federal atomic social science .... FermiLAB bull-shit explanations ......
a riot that would leave 55 people dead,a riot that would leave 55 people .... dead iron HEME group Fe(2) ions
a riot that would leave 55 -->
Attack on Reginald Denny - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Location: Los Angeles, California, United ...
Date: April 29, 1992
Suspect(s): Damian Williams, Henry Wa...
2002 Interview: Reginald Denny Looks Back on the LA Riots, Get-Well ...
Apr 27, 2012 - One of Denny's last-known interviews was conducted by NBC a decade after the riots. ... Reginald Denny became an unintentional central figure in the 1992 Los Angeles riots when he was pulled from his truck at the intersection of Florence and Normandie and beaten nearly to death.
Reginald Denny Looks Back
Regi...ld --> region base 16 Hex'1d' = 29 Looks Back signal
Date: April 29, 1992
Date: April 29, 1992
Date: April 29, 1992 attack on copper electricity / watts energy agent code Hex'1d' --> Reginald
he was pulled from his truck at the intersection of Florence and Normandie
he was pulled from his truck at the intersection of Florence and Normandie
he was pulled from his truck at the intersection of Florence ...............
Fluorescent lamp WAR zone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tube Fluorescent Lights - › ... › Light Bulbs › All Light Bulbs
The Philosophy of Herbert Spencer - Page 49 - Google Books Result
Michael Taylor - 2010 - Philosophy
The laws of nature are thus merely descriptions of observed regularities of coexistence and succession in the sequence of phenomena, and are silent about the .year 1992 Los Angeles Florence street on April 29 with Regreg wsroi-->
year 1993 code Florence ..orbital of Italy
..................................................ital --> italy secrets of langauge and bull-shit schemes ...
Bomb Outside Uffizi in Florence Kills 6 and Damages Many Works ...
The New York Times
Herbert Spencer - University of Minnesota Duluth
University of Minnesota Duluth
Herbert Spencer - Cardiff University
Cardiff University
Audio: Man who Beat Trucker Reginald Denny (in LA Riots) Breaks ...
Henry Watson Henry Watson, .. Henry Watson, .. Henry Watson codes ......
Henry --> H energy -->
Hydroelectric Power: How it works, USGS Water-Science School
Hydroelectric power and water. Basic information about ...
United States Geological Survey
Henry Watson Henry Watson, .. Henry Watson, .. H.......... Watts codes ......
Hoover Dam watts ..... capacity of 2080 megawatts.
Hoover Dam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Attack on Reginald Denny - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The attack on Reginald Denny was an attempted murder of a white American construction truck driver by 4 black males during the 1992 Los Angeles riots in which Denny was beaten nearly to death by a .... Another man, Henry Keith Watson, then held Denny's head down with his foot. Denny was kicked in the abdomen by an ...
The attack on Reginald Denny was an attempted murder of a white American construction truck driver by 4 black males during the 1992 Los Angeles riots in which Denny was beaten nearly to death by a .... Another man, Henry Keith Watson, then held Denny's head down with his foot. Denny was kicked in the abdomen by an ...
Attack on Reginald Denny and 2300 injured
Sam Hengel, Marinette High School student who ... - NY Daily News
New York Daily News
Samuel O. Hengel - EH Extra
Eagle Herald
2010 Austin suicide attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Joseph Stack - The plane was piloted by Andrew Joseph Stack III of the Scofield Farms neighborhood in North Austin, who worked as an ...
The 2010 Austin suicide attack occurred on February 18, 2010, when Andrew Joseph Stack III deliberately crashed his single-engine Piper Dakota light aircraft into Building I of the Echelon office complex in Austin, Texas, United States,[5] killing himself and Internal Revenue Service manager Vernon Hunter.[6]
Thirteen others were injured, two seriously. The four-story[7][8] office building housed an IRS field office occupying the top three floors, along with a couple of private businesses on the first floor. Prior to the crash, Stack had posted a suicide note referring to "greed", "insanity", and the IRS, dated February 18, 2010, to his business website. Stack is also suspected of having set fire that morning to his two-story North Austin house, which was mostly destroyed.
Thirteen others were injured, two seriously. The four-story[7][8] office building housed an IRS field office occupying the top three floors, along with a couple of private businesses on the first floor. Prior to the crash, Stack had posted a suicide note referring to "greed", "insanity", and the IRS, dated February 18, 2010, to his business website. Stack is also suspected of having set fire that morning to his two-story North Austin house, which was mostly destroyed.
Approximately an hour before the crash, Stack allegedly set fire to his $230,000[17] house located on Dapplegrey Lane in North Austin.[10][19] He then drove to a hangar he rented at Georgetown Municipal Airport, approximately 20 miles to the north.[20] He boarded his single-engine Piper Dakota airplane and took off around 9:45 a.m. Central Standard Time.[21][22][23][24] He indicated to the control tower his flight would be "going southbound, sir."[13] After taking off, his final words were "thanks for your help, have a great day."[25]About ten minutes later, his plane descended and collided at full speed with Echelon I, a building containing offices for 190 IRS employees, resulting in a large fireball and explosion.[21][26][27] The building is located near the intersection of Research Boulevard (U.S. Route 183) and Mopac Expressway (Loop 1).
Approximately an hour before the crash, Stack
Approximately an hour before the crash, Stack
Approximately an hour before the crash, Stack ......
Stack tooth (assigned to Joe Stack give teeth to electric LAWS)
the brushless motor allows the wound stack
the brushless motor allows the wound stack
the brushless motor allows the wound stack
............................................the wound stack ...the office building wound / pain site
chapter 7: motor design - Body
Electric Motors and Drives: Fundamentals, Types and Applications
Austin Hughes - 2013 - Technology & Engineering
Given the practical difficulty of making rotors with very large numbers of teeth, ... In a three-stack motor the rotor will consist of three separate toothed sections on .
In a three-stack motor
In a three-stack motor
In a three-stack motor .....
Electric motor components - PVS-Kunststofftechnik GmbH & Co. KG ...
How do stepper motors work? - Explain that Stuff
Feb 3, 2016 - An ordinary electric motor is based on a simple bit of magnet .... An exploded photo of a can stack stepper motor showing the stator cups, teeth,.
An exploded photo of a can stack stepper motor showing the stator cups, teeth,.
An exploded photo of a can stack stepper motor showing the stator cups, teeth,.
An exploded photo of Nature's Darwin selection of a JOE STACK for the stack stepper motor MESSAGE project.
Virginia Tech shooting
The Virginia Tech shooting, also known as the Virginia Tech massacre, occurred on April 16, 2007, on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in Blacksburg, Virginia, United States. Seung-Hui Cho, a senior at Virginia Tech, shot and killed 32 people and wounded 17 others in two separate attacks approximately two hours apart, before committing suicide.[6]
two separate attacks approximately two hours apart
two separate attacks approximately two hours apart
two separate attacks approximately two hours apart
two separate ............approximately two apart
West Ambler Johnston shootingsWest Ambler Johnston shootings
West Am --> amplifier
Shooter...Mr. CHO key message --> Cho + ke --> Choke brain electron circuits at Ohm's law of Virginia TECH
Virginia Tech shooting: Who was gunman Ross Truett Ashley ...
Ross Truett Ashley: Mystery over what made Virginia Tech gunman ...
Daily Mail
Dec 10, 2011 - Mystery over what drove Viriginia Tech gunman to snap as friends say he was a quiet student who never hinted at violence. ... The gunman was identified Friday as Ross Truett Ashley, a 22-year-old part-time business student at Radford University, about 10 miles from the Virginia Tech
Robert F. Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Assassination of Robert F. Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The assassination of Robert Francis " Bobby" .... Robert F. Kennedy must be ...
commonly known by his initials RFK,
commonly known by his initials RFK,
commonly known by his initials RFK --> Radio frequency K for bio-radio heads
Trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev for the Boston Marathon bombing on April 15, 2013, began on March 4, 2015, in front of the US District Court for the District of Massachusetts, nearly two years after the pre-trial hearings.
pre-trial hearings of secret bio-radio langauges of the sub-conscious MIND
pre-trial hearings.
pre-trial hear rings. ................
Setting the Record Straight: Role of Radio Free Europe in the ...
Archives Confirm False Hope Fed Hungary Revolt -
Sep 28, 1996 - Newly released documents concerning Radio Free Europe broadcasts during the 1956 Hungarian uprising against the Soviets confirm what ...
[PDF]radio free europe (rfe) and the hungarian revolution - CIA
Hungarian Revolution of 1956 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
James Clerk Maxwell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Electromagnetism - James Clerk Maxwell FRS FRSE (13 June 1831 – 5 November 1879) was a Scottish scientist in the field of mathematical physics.
The Electromagnetic Field - MacTutor History of Mathematics
The Impact of James Clerk Maxwell's Work
City Clerk of Chicago |
Chicago City Clerk Susana A. Mendoza pushes vehicle sticker transaction fee reductions. Transactional fees charged for services provided by the Office of the ..
Emily Post - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Emily Post (ca. October 27, 1872 – September 25, 1960) was an American author famous for writing about etiquette. Brooklyn Museum – Emily Post – Emil ...
Post, Emily. 1922. Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics and at ...
Emily Post's Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics and at Home. Free full text of 627-page first edition (1922) with illustrations from
Space And Time - Google Books Result
privileged and treating
privileged access to Nature's advanced EM project plans in economics, social engineering, etc
Identifying a procedure in SYS1.PROCLIB - IBM
Henry Mancini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Enrico Nicola "Henry" Mancini (April 16, 1924 – June 14, 1994) was an American composer, conductor and arranger, who is best remembered for his film and ...
How Change Happens: The 1863 Emancipation Proclamation
His Holiness the Nitrogen 14 ... 14th Dalai Lama
14th Dalai LamaOfficial website, dedicated to creating awareness of the life and work of His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso. Provides a detailed biography, photos and an excerpt from ...
Birth to Exile | The Office of His Holiness The Dalai Lama › The Dalai Lama
14th Dalai LamaHis Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, is the spiritual leader of Tibet. ... to be the reincarnation of each of the previous thirteen Dalai Lamas of Tibet
After the Science Wars | Issue 45 | Philosophy Now
Thomas Kuhn and the Science Wars (Postmodern Encounters ...
DISP parameter - IBM
Use the DISP parameter to describe the status of a data set to the system and tell the system what to ... DISP=NEW, DISP=MOD, or DISP=OLD on a JCL request.
What is the difference between Disp=MOD and Disp=OLD
Jun 12, 2011 - Can someone please explain the difference between Disp=Mod and ... when u want to append data to file use disp=mod disp=old means ...
The Mod Squad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Mod Squad is an American crime drama series that ran on ABC from 1968 to 1973. It stars .... **Ed's Note: The Mod Squad was a popular TV show. TV was ...
Mod Squad (TV Series 1968–1973) - IMDb
Rating: 7/10 - 1,119 votes
Action .... Color, Television, ABC, Portrait, Serious, In Shadow, Afro, Glasses Peggy Lipton and Fabian Gregory in Mod Squad (1968) ... The Ed Sullivan Show.
Mod Squad (TV Series for human bio-computer ..... 1968–1973)
Mod Squad (TV Series 1968–1973)
Miami Vice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Miami Vice is an American television crime drama series created by Anthony Yerkovich and produced by Michael Mann for NBC. The series starred Don ...
Miami Vice (TV Series 1984–1990) - IMDb
Rating: 7.5/10 - 16,915 votes
Action ... Resplendent with authentic 1980's music, fashion and vibe, "Miami Vice " ... "MIAMI VICE"-A Crime Drama Series Produced by Universal Television.
Amish ..
School Shooting in an Amish One-Room School. ... It’s normally quiet and peaceful in the rolling Amish farmlands of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. ... The shooting took place at the West Nickel Mines Amish School, located about 12 miles southeast of Lancaster City
West Nickel Mines School shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
WikipediaJump to Amish community response - On the day of the shooting, a grandfather of one of the murdered Amish girls was heard warning some young ...
Location: Bart Township, Lancaster Cou...
Date: October 2, 2006; 9 years ago; c. 1...
Deaths: 6 (including the perpetrator)
Non-fatal injuries: 5
Trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The trial of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev for the Boston Marathon bombing on April 15, 2013, began on March 4, 2015, in front of the US District Court for the District of Massachusetts, nearly two years after the pre-trial hearings.
pre-trial hearings of secret bio-radio langauges of the sub-conscious MIND
pre-trial hear rings. ................
Setting the Record Straight: Role of Radio Free Europe in the ... 
Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
by AR Johnson - Cited by 1 - Related articles
Role of Radio Free Europe in the Hungarian Revolution of 1956 ... to Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL) in June 1990: "Radio Free Europe has … given.
Archives Confirm False Hope Fed Hungary Revolt -
The New York Times
[PDF]radio free europe (rfe) and the hungarian revolution - CIA
Hungarian Revolution of 1956 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 or the Hungarian Uprising of 1956 was a nationwide revolt .... Radio Free Europe would broadcast the "secret speech" to Eastern Europe on the advice of Ray S. Cline, who saw it as a way to "as I think I told ...
James Clerk Maxwell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fields: Physics and Mathematics
Notable students: George Chrystal; John ...
Nationality: Scottish
Notable awards: Smith's Prize (1854); A...
The Electromagnetic Field - MacTutor History of Mathematics
James Clerk Maxwell, MacTutor Index ... Maxwell's theory of electromagnetic radiation was without doubt his greatest piece of work. It revolutionarised the way ...
The Impact of James Clerk Maxwell's Work
In “A Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field” (1865), Maxwell produced the first complete set of equations governing electricity and magnetism, ...
The Impact of James Clerk Maxwell's Work
City Clerk of Chicago |
City Clerk of Chicago
Emily Post - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Early life · Career · Death · Notable descendants
Early life
Post was born Emily Price in Baltimore, Maryland, possibly in October 1872[1] (the precise date is disputed).[a] Her father was the architect Bruce Price and her mother was Josephine (Lee) Price of Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. After being educated at home in her early years, Price attended Miss Graham's finishing school in New York after her family moved there.[3]Marriage
Price met her future husband, Edwin Main Post, a prominent banker, at a ball in a Fifth Avenue mansion.
Post, Emily. 1922. Etiquette in Society, in Business, in Politics and at ...
The American Heritage Book of English Usage. 1996
Emily Post
Marriage of various existential physics FIELDs
Emily Price met her future husband, Edwin Main Post, a prominent banker, at a ball in a Fifth Avenue mansion.
Emily Price met her future husband, Edwin Main Post,
Emily Price met her future husband, Edwin Main Post,
Emily Price met her future husband, Edwin Main Post,
Em her future band, Main Post --->
Emily Price met her future husband, Edwin Main Post,
Emily Price met her future husband, Edwin Main Post,
Em her future band, Main Post --->
Electro-magnetic field LIFE ...... hertzian waves .....
future insight ,,,,,bandwidth ....Main Post office (advantage of seeing the advanced plans of Nature's various SYMBOL ENGINES)
future insight ,,,,,bandwidth ....Main Post office (advantage of seeing the advanced plans of Nature's various SYMBOL ENGINES)
Space And Time - Google Books Result
Emile Borel - 2013 - Science
Emile Borel ... Méthode dans les sciences.1 Between treating certain axes and a certain chronology as privileged and treating them as absolute there is for many ...privileged and treating
privileged access to Nature's advanced EM project plans in economics, social engineering, etc
Identifying a procedure in SYS1.PROCLIB - IBM
The procedure in SYS1.PROCLIB specifies the first program to run in the new address space after the optional initialization routine. You can specify the name of ..
Step 5: Configure SYS1.PROCLIB Members and the PROClamation
You need to make some changes to startup procedure members in the SYS1. PROCLIB data set. It is recommended that either you back up the startup procedure ...
How Change Happens: The 1863 Emancipation Proclamation
How Change Happens: The 1863 Emancipation Proclamation
.............................................................manci ... messenger
Henry Mancini - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
How Change Happens: The 1863 Emancipation Proclamation
....................................................................................... lama
His Holiness the Nitrogen 14 ... 14th Dalai Lama
| The Office of His Holiness The ... Dalai LamaOfficial website, dedicated to creating awareness of the life and work of His Holiness Tenzin Gyatso. Provides a detailed biography, photos and an excerpt from ...
Birth to Exile | The Office of His Holiness The Dalai Lama › The Dalai Lama14th Dalai LamaHis Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, is the spiritual leader of Tibet. ... to be the reincarnation of each of the previous thirteen Dalai Lamas of Tibet
After the Science Wars | Issue 45 | Philosophy Now
Then, in the mid 1990s two major events ignited the Science Wars. .... rationality and the science critics, especially the postmodern critics, hinges on the nature of ...
Thomas Kuhn and the Science Wars (Postmodern Encounters ..., Inc.
Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Ziauddin Sardar is a writer and Visiting Professor of ... Buy Thomas Kuhn and the Science Wars (Postmodern Encounters ) on ✓ FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders.
Postmodern Encounters .. ????
Postmodern Encounters .. ????
Post (data set) mod .....
DISP parameter - IBM
What is the difference between Disp=MOD and Disp=OLD
disp=old refers to dataset already created. if it not there means it will show error ..
disp=mod refers some existing data set and new data contents are added at end of dataset
if the data set not present means a new dataset is created.
disp=mod refers some existing data set and new data contents are added at end of dataset
if the data set not present means a new dataset is created.
Postmodern Encounters .. ????
Post (data set) mod .....
The Mod Squad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mod Squad (TV Series 1968–1973) - IMDb
Mod Squad (TV Series for human bio-computer ..... 1968–1973)
- Full Cast & Crew - IMDb
Miami Vice - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Miami Vice (TV Series 1984–1990) - IMDb
Miami Vice
...amino acids
Amish ..
Amino acid ...... molecule School Shooting in Lancaster PA › The Amish
West Nickel Mines School shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia to Amish community response - On the day of the shooting, a grandfather of one of the murdered Amish girls was heard warning some young ...
Location: Bart Township, Lancaster Cou...
Date: October 2, 2006; 9 years ago; c. 1...
Deaths: 6 (including the perpetrator)
Non-fatal injuries: 5
Carbon black molecule representatives in human format
2015 Waco shootout - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On May 17, 2015, in Waco, Texas, a shootout erupted at a Twin Peaks restaurant where ... Nine bikers were killed, seven of them members of the Cossacks motorcycle club, while eighteen others were injured. ..... Police officers reported receiving several threats after the shooting, which they are investigating. A former ...
Cossacks Motorcycle Club in Waco, Texas
Cossacks Motorcycle Club in Waco, Texas
Cos...................cycle lu .......................
Cosine cycle lu= logical unit ...... human bio-math bio-physics agents
Germanwings pilot Andreas Lubitz kept diary that shows his descent ... › ... › Germanwings plane crash
The Daily Telegraph
Germanwings crash: Co-pilot Lubitz 'practised rapid descent' - BBC ...
Germanwings Co-Pilot Andreas Lubitz Practiced Descent on ... › World
Co-Pilot Andreas Lubitz Practiced Descent
Co-Pilot Andreas Lubitz Practiced Descent
Co-P .............rea Descent
CoPPer read incanDescent LIGHT Bulb wars
Penn State Cheerleader Paige Raque In Critical Condition After Fall ...
The Huffington Post
Oct 16, 2012 - Penn State Cheerleader Paige Raque In Critical Condition After Fall, ... support for Paige Raque, a 19-year-old cheerleader who fell 39 feet in the z-axis dimension to ..
The Huffington Post
Oct 16, 2012 - Penn State Cheerleader Paige Raque In Critical Condition After Fall, ... support for Paige Raque, a 19-year-old cheerleader who fell 39 feet in the z-axis dimension to ..
Eight students charged with furnishing in relation to Penn State ...
The Daily Collegian
Jan 30, 2013 - ... to an incident involving 19-year-old Penn State cheerleader Paige Raque ... Raque was dancing on top of a table with other individuals when ...
was dancing on top of a table
was dancing on top of a table
was dancing on top of a SYMBOL and CONCEPT table
Penn State Cheerleader Paige Raque In Critical Condition after Penn State English and philosophy department approve of the English language DEATH SENTENCE of Pittsuburg thinkers and intellectuals ..
The Huffington Post
Oct 16, 2012 - Penn State Cheerleader Paige Raque In Critical Condition After Fall, ... support for Paige Raque, a 19-year-old cheerleader who fell 39 feet to ...
2009 shooting of Pittsburgh police officers - Wikipedia, the free ...
Death penalty upheld for Richard Poplawski in killing of Pittsburgh ...
Dec 30, 2015 - Lawyers for convicted cop-killer Richard Poplawski questioned ... for a man convicted in the 2009 killing of three Pittsburgh police officers.
Death penalty upheld
potassium channel is an important regulator of Pittsburg jury BS and bragging neurotransmitters ... › Nature Communications › ArticlesNature
by P Liu - 2014 - Cited by 2 - Related articles
Oct 10, 2014 - A major function of K+ channels in neurons is to regulate the release of neurotransmitters. A variety of K+ channels have been found to have ...
2009 shooting of 3 cops of the Pittsburgh police officers - Wikipedia, the free ...
Ross Truett Ashley - Washington Post
Dec 13, 2011 - This photo provided by the Virginia State Police shows Ross Truett Ashley, age 22. ... Ashley fled the scene and shot himself a short-time later.
The Washington Post
Ross Truett Ashley: Mystery over what made Virginia Tech gunman ...
Daily Mail
Dec 10, 2011 - Mystery over what drove Viriginia Tech gunman to snap as friends say he was a quiet student who never hinted at violence. ... The gunman was identified Friday as Ross Truett Ashley, a 22-year-old part-time business student at Radford University, about 10 miles from the Virginia Tech ...
True/ False and tt = truth tables
Truth table - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Logical Operations and Truth Tables
Two more plead guilty in Paige Raque case | Centre Daily Times
Centre Daily Times
Two more plead guilty in Paige Raque case
Two more plead guilty in Page RA queue --> math logic page
Robbin Math Logic | Logic Matters
logic - Precisely, what is a primitive recursive definition? - Mathematics ...
Stack Exchange
a system of arithmetic which he calls RA which uses a QUEUE of bio-math cheerleaders ..thus name RAQUE of secret agent Paige Rage
Solar Pons and ..... Basil Copper- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Solar Pons: The Great Pretender - Sherlock Holmes Baker Street Dozen
Invisible ink no 263: The strange case of solar pons | The Independent › Culture › Books › Reviews
The Independent
The James Clerk Maxwell experiment --> human specimen ....
James Joyce - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
James Joyce - Author -
Ul = Underwriter Lab with
................. writer James Joyce
Ul = Ulysses (novel) .. code
........Uly ...........
Ulysses is a modernist novel by Irish writer James Joyce. It was first serialised in parts in the American journal The Little Review from March 1918 to December 1920, and then published in its entirety by Sylvia Beach in February 1922, in Paris. It is considered to be one of the most important works of modernist literature,[1] and has been called "a demonstration and summation of the entire movement".[2] According to Declan Kiberd, "Before Joyce, no writer of fiction had so foregrounded the process of thinking."[3]
Ulysses chronicles the peripatetic appointments and encounters of Leopold Bloom in Dublin in the course of an ordinary day, 16 June 1904.[4][5]
Ulysses is the Latinised name of Odysseus, the hero of Homer's epic poem Odyssey, and the novel establishes a series of parallels between the poem and the novel, with structural correspondences between the characters and experiences of Leopold Bloom and Odysseus, Molly Bloom and Penelope, and Stephen Dedalus and Telemachus, in addition to events and themes of the early twentieth century context of modernism, Dublin, and Ireland's relationship to Britain. The novel imitates registers of centuries of English literature and is highly allusive.
Ulysses is approximately 265,000 words in length[6] and is divided into eighteen episodes.
Ulysses is a modernist novel by Irish writer James Joyce. It was first serialised in parts in the American journal The Little Review from March 1918 to December 1920, and then published in its entirety by Sylvia Beach in February 1922, in Paris. It is considered to be one of the most important works of modernist literature,[1] and has been called "a demonstration and summation of the entire movement".[2] According to Declan Kiberd, "Before Joyce, no writer of fiction had so foregrounded the process of thinking."[3]
Ulysses chronicles the peripatetic appointments and encounters of Leopold Bloom in Dublin in the course of an ordinary day, 16 June 1904.[4][5]
Ulysses is the Latinised name of Odysseus, the hero of Homer's epic poem Odyssey, and the novel establishes a series of parallels between the poem and the novel, with structural correspondences between the characters and experiences of Leopold Bloom and Odysseus, Molly Bloom and Penelope, and Stephen Dedalus and Telemachus, in addition to events and themes of the early twentieth century context of modernism, Dublin, and Ireland's relationship to Britain. The novel imitates registers of centuries of English literature and is highly allusive.
Ulysses is approximately 265,000 words in length[6] and is divided into eighteen episodes.
Bloomsday festival in Dublin -
Jun 16, 2015 - Ulysses was first published as a novel in 1922 when it reached the ... of characters over the course of one day in Ireland on June 16th, 1904.
Jun 16, 2015 - Ulysses was first published as a novel in 1922 when it reached the ... of characters over the course of one day in Ireland on June 16th, 1904.
Dublin ....
Double Blind Experiment - Avoiding Bias -
A double blind experiment is an experimental method used to ensure impartiality, and avoid errors arising from bias.
Double-blind experiment - The Free Dictionary
The IRIS of the IRISH and their problems
Hertz and the Herzegovina WARS - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The hertz (symbol Hz) is the unit of frequency in the International System of Units (SI) and is defined as one cycle per second. It is named for Heinrich Rudolf Hertz, the first person to provide conclusive proof of the existence of electromagnetic waves. Some of the unit's most common uses are in the description of sine waves ...
In SI base units: s-1
Unit of: Frequency
Gulf War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Iraq invades Kuwait - Aug 02, 1990 -
WGN Radio - 720 AM | Chicago's Very Own – Talk, News Radio ...
WGN Radio - 720 AM
WGN Radio - ..20 AMino acids
Amino acids - The 20 standard amino acids in Chicago
non-polar, aliphatic residues. Glycine, Gly, G, Gly, GGU GGC GGA GGG. Alanine, Ala, A, Ala, GCU GCC GCA GCG. Valine, Val, V, Val, GUU GUC GUA GUG
......N Radio - 7
Westgate shopping mall attack from Chicago / Washington DC- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kent State shootings - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Kent State shootings occurred at Kent State University in Kent, Ohio, in the United States and involved the shooting of unarmed college students by the Ohio National Guard on Monday, May 4, 1970. Wikipedia
Date: May 4, 1970
Linear Transformations using TV (television secrets) - A First Course in Linear Algebra
A First Course in Linear Algebra by Robert A. Beezer
Linear Algebra/Linear Transformations - Wikibooks, open books for an ...
A linear transformation is an important concept in mathematics because many real world phenomena can be approximated by linear models. Unlike a linear ...
Walker, Texas Ranger - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,_Texas_Ranger
Walker, Texas Ranger (TV Series 1993–2001) - IMDb
Action ... With Chuck Norris, Clarence Gilyard Jr., Sheree J. Wilson, Noble Willingham. Walker, a martial artist, and his partner Trivette are Texas Rangers.
Virginia Tech with SYMBOL WORLD
life of Chuck Norris --> Norris Hall shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Jump to Norris Hall shootings - About two hours after the initial shootings, Cho entered Norris Hall, which housed the Engineering Science and Mechanics ...
November 22, 1963: Death of the President - John F. Kennedy ... 
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum
John F. Kennedy assassinated - Nov 22, 1963 -
Nov 22, 1963 -
Laplace Transform -- from Wolfram MathWorld › ... › Interactive DemonstrationsMathWorld
by EW Weisstein - 2002 - Cited by 11 - Related articles
The Laplace transform is an integral transform perhaps second only to the Fourier transform in its utility in solving physical problems. The Laplace transform is particularly useful in solving linear ordinary differential equations such as those arising in the analysis of electronic circuits.
Laplace Transforms - Pauls Online Math Notes - Lamar University
Lamar University
Copper mines on EARTH geography surface rotate thousands of miles every 24 hours .... thus the EARTH electric motor effect ............. iron core and magnetic field, copper deposits that rotate.
Cudahy Packing Company - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cudahy Packing Company was a U.S. meat packing company established in 1887 as the Armour-Cudahy Packing Company and incorporated in Maine in 1915. It was founded by Patrick Cudahy (March 17, 1849 - July 25, 1919) and his ... In 2009 a fire at the "sprawling complex of 1.4 million square feet" at the 121-year-old .
In 2009 a fire at the "sprawling complex of 1.4 million square feet" at the 121-year-old .
In 2009
In 20 + 09 = 29 --> Cu data message site --> Cu + da --> Cudahy
Federal judge could decide damages in Patrick Cu = Copper cudahy plant fire next ...
Wisconsin Sikh temple shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
and Army veteran from Cudahy, ...
and Army veteran from Cudahy, ...
and Army veteran from Cudahy, ...
Cudahy Packing Company
Recent events
In 2009 a fire at the "sprawling complex of 1.4 million square feet" at the 121-year-old Patrick Cudahy meatpacking plant "drained [Milwaukee's] water supply and tested the patience of hundreds of residents forced from their homes by the threat of smoke that billowed from the blaze through a second night." The smell was described as "sometimes appetizing", but the loss was termed "devastating".[15] The cause of the fire was determined to be a military flare. In October 2009, two brothers were sentenced to 90 days in jail each for causing the fire.[16]
Cudahy meat plant sues U.S. Navy over massive 2009 fire Journal Sentinel
Dec 22, 2011 - Patrick Cudahy, Inc. its parent corporation and several insurers have sued the U.S. Navy, seeking $326 million in losses from the massive 2009 ...
Cudahy meat plant sues U.S. Navy over massive 2009 fire 
Cudahy meat plant sues U.S. Navy over massive 2009 fire 
Cu ..................plan SNA 20 + 09 ..
copper city plan ......................Systems Network Architecture
IBM Systems Network Architecture adapted for EARTH systems
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What is Systems Network Architecture (SNA)? - IBM
IBM Systems Network Architecture - TechNet - Microsoft
Microsoft TechNet
Laplace transform - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Laplace Transform -- from Wolfram MathWorld › ... › Interactive Demonstrations
by EW Weisstein - 2002 - Cited by 11 - Related articles
The Laplace transform is an integral transform perhaps second only to the Fourier transform in its utility in solving physical problems. The Laplace transform is particularly useful in solving linear ordinary differential equations such as those arising in the analysis of electronic circuits.
Laplace Transform and COMPUTER EARTH and Basic Assembler
The Laplace Transform - Swarthmore College
Swarthmore College
The Laplace Transform
Man who killed TSA officer at LAX in 2013 pleads guilty and avoids ...
Los Angeles Times
2013 Los Angeles International Airport shooting - Wikipedia, the free ...
TSA Officer Gerardo I. Hernandez,TSA Officer Gerardo I. Hernandez,TSA Officer ..................................ez --> entire math function agent
Inverse Laplace Transform Calculator - Symbolab › ... › Calculus › Laplace Transform › Inverse
Free Inverse Laplace Transform calculator - Find the inverse Laplace transforms of functions step-by-step.
Laplace Transforms, Part 1 State University
functions, the Laplace Transform method of solving initial value problems ... The Laplace transform is an operation that transforms a function of t (i.e., a function ...
Chapter 32 - The Laplace Transform - The Scientist and Engineer's ... 32: The Laplace Transform. The two main techniques in signal processing, convolution and Fourier analysis, teach that a linear system can be .
The La ..... place Transform
Sandy Hook Elementary School TRANSFORM - Wikipedia, the free ...
Sandy Hook Elementary shooting: What happened? -
Connections (TV series) with Sandy Hook, Connect in Connecticut
- Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Content · Episodes · Related works · References
James Burke: Connections - Top Documentary Films › Technology
Route 29 Stalker - Unsolved LaPlace TRANSFORM Mysteries Wiki - Wikia
A composite of the Route 29 Stalker. Real Name: Unrevealed Aliases: Larry Breeden Wanted For: Murder, Attempted Murder, Kidnapping Missing Since: March ...
Maxwell's demon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia's_demonWikipedia
In the philosophy of thermal and statistical physics, Maxwell's demon is a BRAIN bio-computer subroutine PROGRAM ..... experiment created by the physicist James Clerk Maxwell in which he suggested how the Second Law of Thermodynamics might hypothetically be violated. In the thought experiment, a demon controls a small door between two chambers of gas.
K3 - Maxwell's Sea of Molecular Vortices
by FD Tombe - Related articles
Feb 7, 2010 - James Clerk-Maxwell's sea of molecular vortices. The electric particles that surrounded Maxwell's aethereal vortices become sources ...
Missing: demons
[PDF]Maxwell's Original Equations - The General Science Journal, Science ...
Dec 24, 2011 - The first in the list of eight equations appearing in Maxwell's 1865 paper [2] is, ... displacement current in the sea of molecular vortices. Part III of.
Missing: demons
On Physical Lines of Force - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On Physical Lines of Force is a famous four-part paper written by James Clerk Maxwell published between 1861 and 1862. In it, Maxwell derived the equations of electromagnetism in conjunction with a "sea" of "molecular vortices" which he used to model Faraday's lines of force.
Missing: demons
Ex-cop Wojciech Braszczok gets 2 years for biker gang attack - NY ... York Daily News
Aug 5, 2015 - Ex-NYPD cop Wojciech Braszczok sentenced to 2 years for 2013 biker gang attack ... had urged Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Maxwell Wiley to sentence ... man behind as he tried to flee the pack of motorcycle maniacs.
James Clerk-Maxwell's sea of molecular vortices.
James Clerk-Maxwell's sea of molecular vortices.
James Clerk-Maxwell's sea of mo.............voices of vortices............... James Clerk-Maxwell's sea of motorcycle ..... molecular expression / message vehicles
Maxwell's Equation - Scribd
a sea of molecular vortices that appears ........
The prosecution and defense summed up their cases on Friday in the trial of an undercover New York police detective and another man accused of being among several motorcyclists who beat up a driver during a raucous biker rally in September 2013.
The defendants, Detective Wojciech Braszczok, 34, and Robert Sims, 36, an electrician, have been charged with gang assault and other charges in connection with the attack on Alexian Lien, who was dragged from his Range Rover and pummeled while his wife and infant daughter were in the car.
Both men have waived their right to a jury, and Justice Maxwell Wiley of State Supreme Court in Manhattan is deciding the case. He has said he will give his verdict on Tuesday. Nine other bikers have pleaded guilty to assault in the case.
The confrontation between Mr. Lien and the motorcyclists, who were all riding together in a rally organized on the Internet, started on the West Side Highway around 1:30 p.m. on Sept. 29, 2013. The swarm of bikers forced the car to stop and surrounded it. Mr. Lien said he felt threatened, accelerated and ran over a biker, crushing his spine.
More than a dozen bikers — among them Detective Braszczok and Mr. Sims — pursued the Range Rover to Wadsworth Avenue and 178th Street, where they broke the windows, dragged him from the car and pummeled him. The episode was recorded on a helmet camera and an iPad belonging to other bikers.
The videos and photographs show Detective Braszczok never laid a hand on Mr. Lien, but he did break the back window of the car and kick the passenger side twice before getting on his motorcycle and fleeing.
The detective testified that he never intended to hurt Mr. Lien and retreated because he saw the assault and was in fear for his own life. He said he lashed out at the window with his fist after it was broken by a projectile, which he thought had been hurled from inside the car.
Mr. Sims can be seen on the videos trying to pull Mr. Lien’s wife from the car, then walking around the back of the vehicle and stomping on Mr. Lien.
In his closing argument, the lead prosecutor, Joshua Steinglass, said there was no question about what the off-duty detective did that day, only his intent.
“He was not acting alone; he was acting with the pack,” Mr. Steinglass said. “He was acting out of pure rage, not police tactics as the defendant would have you believe. And his actions helped fuel the frenzy that was taking over.”
But the detective’s lawyer, John Arlia, said his client had no clue the other bikers were going to assault Mr. Lien and did not see them as they dragged Mr. Lien from the car. Nor did he know who was in the car when he heard a pop and thought something had been thrown through the back window.
“He got spooked and scared,” Mr. Arlia said. “He had no idea what was going on.”
Mr. Sims’s lawyer, Omar Almanzar-Paramio, said it was true that Mr. Sims took part in the assault, but he argued his client did not intend to hurt Mr. Lien, only detain him. “There is zero intent to cause serious physical injury,” he said.
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the bio-optical-internet ..Net of ether .....Netherlands --
from Eric Weisstein's World of Physics - ScienceWorld - Wolfram
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..the Lie / true false LOGIC errors of Liege people and theri bull-shit incomplete explanations about events - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaège_attack
2 Defendants in Manhattan Biker Assault Await Verdict From Judge ... New York Times
Jun 5, 2015 - The defendants, Detective Wojciech Braszczok, 34, and Robert ... and Justice Maxwell Wiley of State Supreme Court in Manhattan is deciding the case. ... the passenger side twice before getting on his motorcycle and fleeing.
The defendant , Detective Wojciech Braszczok
The defendant , Detective Wojciech Braszczok
The .................. De........... Wo ech Braszczok
The ................ coDe.............Two
Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine - The Excluded Middle the last years of the 19th century, technological alchemist Nikola Tesla may ... A vibration sent through the earth returns an "echo signature" using the same ...
The defendant , Detective Wojciech Braszczok
The defendant , Detective Wojciech Braszczok
The .................. De........... Wo ech Braszczok
The ................ coDe.............Two --> Cz echo --> Czech echo
Alexander Dubček - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaček
Alexander Dubček
Alex ........ Double Check ........
Alex Lien and agent Wojciech .... system echo ..return code VIA
the EARTH sub-continent of India .... Satyendra Nath Bose tribe of
BEC --> Bose -Einstein Condensate
Wife of Tribeca BEC banker beaten by bikers, new video details attack - NY Daily ...
New York Daily News
2 Motorcyclists Found Guilty in 2013 Attack on BEC subroutine Driver but Acquitted of ...
Final Biker Is Sentenced in Assault on SUV Driver - The New York Times
The New York Times
Justice Maxwell Wiley Justice Maxwell Wiley Justice Maxwell ....................
from his Range Rover
from his Range Rover
from his Range ...... mathematical-physics ..mapping function codes
West Side
Westroads Mall shooting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Road rage confrontation leads to a shooting in West Valley City ...
Jun 16, 2016 - WEST VALLEY CITY – A road rage incident turned violent in West Valley City and a man was shot in the leg, and now police are looking for a ...
2 wounded in West Loop road-rage shooting, police say | abc7chicago ...
Westgate shopping mall attack - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wife of Tribeca BEC banker beaten by bikers, new video details attack - NY Daily ...
New York Daily News
May 19, 2015 - Wife of Tribeca banker beaten by bikers becomes emotional .
2 Defendants in Manhattan Biker Assault Await Verdict From Judge ...
The New York Times
Jun 5, 2015 - 2 Defendants in Manhattan Biker Assault Await Verdict From Judge ...
and Justice Maxwell Wiley of State Supreme Court in Manhattan is deciding the case. ... passenger side twice before getting on his motorcycle and fleeing.
and Justice Maxwell Wiley of State Supreme Court in Manhattan is deciding the case. ... passenger side twice before getting on his motorcycle and fleeing.
Justice Maxwell .......... Supreme Court
Justice Maxwell Wiley of State Supreme Court in Manhattan
Justice Maxwell Wiley of States of Nature .....decision theory .. Manhattan Project
Justice Maxwell Wiley of States of Nature .....decision theory
Justice Maxwell Wiley of States of Nature .....decision theory
Justice ..................Wiley .... publisher .... States of Nature .....decision theory
Alicia Reynolds: Route 29 murder case still unsolved | WJLA
May 12, 2014 - (WJLA) - Along Route 29 in Culpeper, Virginia, lies a wooden cross weathered by time, and some artificial flowers. “All we can do is pray for her ...
Alicia Reynolds: Route 29 murder case still unsolved | WJLA
May 12, 2014 - (WJLA) - Along Route 29 in Cu = Copper electricity of Culpeper, Vir = Ohm's Law of Virginia , lies a wooden cross (cross-correlation) weathered by time,
and some artificial flowers. “All we can do is pray for her ...
and some artificial flowers.
and some artificial flowers.
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and some .......cia flow ...... information FLOW with Jeffrey Fowle of Moraine Ohio and his North Korea trip .... data generating ..... information FLOW trip by permutation word .... FOWLe
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The Official Facebook Fanpage of NBC15 Chief Meteorologist Charlie Shortino. ... Remember you can always visit for updates.
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Shortino ..... Short wave radio codes
Shortwave radio
Shortwave radio is radio transmission using shortwave frequencies, generally 1.6–30 MHz (187.4–10.0 m), just above the medium wave AM broadcast band.
Shortwave radio has an ability to enter a state of skywave or skip propagation, in which the radio waves are reflected or refracted back to Earth from the ionosphere, as opposed to being absorbed.
This is a particularly important characteristic: it allows the transmitted signal to be reflected around the curve of the Earth, thus shortwave is not line-of-sight.
This allows for very long distance communications. Shortwave radio is used for broadcasting of voice and music to shortwave listeners over very large areas; sometimes entire continents or beyond. Additionally, it is used for two-way international communication by amateur radio enthusiasts for hobby, educational and emergency purposes.
Selecting a Shortwave Radio -
FAQs About Shortwave Radio. - National Association of Shortwave ...
1960: Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) Transistor Demonstrated ...
1960: Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) Transistor Demonstrated. John Atalla and Dawon Kahng fabricate working transistors and demonstrate the first ...
What is atMOS AtMOSphere
Computer dictionary definition for what MOS (Metal Oxide Semiconductor) means including related links, information, and terms.
The Two Cultures is the title of the first part of an influential 1959 Rede Lecture by British scientist and novelist C. P. Snow. Its thesis was that "the intellectual life of the whole of western society" was split into the titular two cultures — namely the sciences and the humanities — and that this was a major hindrance to solving the world's problems. ...
Selecting a Shortwave Radio -
There is no one "right" shortwave radio for everyone. The best shortwave radio for you depends primarily on your listening interests. However, there are some ...
FAQs About Shortwave Radio. - National Association of Shortwave ...
1. What is shortwave radio? Shortwave (also known technically as "high frequency") is found just above the mediumwave (or AM) band on the radio spectrum.
1960: Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) Transistor Demonstrated ...
Computer History Museum
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.... MOS (Metabolism Oxygen Semi-social conductor)? - Computer Hope
The Two Cultures - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Snow's position can be summed up by an often-repeated part of the essay:
A good many times I have been present at gatherings of people who, by the standards of the traditional culture, are thought highly educated and who have with considerable gusto been expressing their incredulity at the illiteracy of scientists. Once or twice I have been provoked and have asked the company how many of them could describe the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The response was cold: it was also negative. Yet I was asking something which is the scientific equivalent of: Have you read a work of Shakespeare’s?[5]
I now believe that if I had asked an even simpler question — such as, What do you mean by mass, or acceleration, which is the scientific equivalent of saying, Can you read? — not more than one in ten of the highly educated would have felt that I was speaking the same language. So the great edifice of modern physics goes up, and the majority of the cleverest people in the western world have about as much insight into it as their neolithic ancestors would have had.[5]
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